Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Awakening :: Essays Papers
The Awakening Edna’s arousing, from the earliest starting point in Grand Isle, to her life in New Orleans lastly her passing back in Grand Isle, happens abruptly. She goes from a calm, saved woman, to a straightforward, solid willed lady. In spite of this sensational change, one trademark stayed steady all through the book. She was befuddled about what her identity was and what she needed throughout everyday life. She is sought after by Robert, and is astonished when affections for him mix inside her. Toward the start of the book, she excuses him, for the most part since she was hitched. â€Å"Mrs. Pontellier was happy he had not accepted a comparative job toward herself. It would have been unsatisfactory and annoying.†As the weeks go on, her mentality changes extraordinarily. Her reaction to Robert is one of adoration and enthusiasm. â€Å"I love you,†she murmured â€Å"only you, nobody yet you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (page 179, fifth section). Edna regularly doesn’t comprehend her feelings and what is happening in her mind, and she likewise as often as possible misconstrues them. Due to this she is an entirely flighty character, her activities and words are conflicting in their messages. â€Å"Edna Pontellier couldn't have explained why, wishing to go to the sea shore with Robert, she ought to in any case have declined, and in the runner up have followed in dutifulness to one of the two opposing driving forces which instigated her. â€Å"Yes,†she said. â€Å"The years that are gone appear dreams-in the event that one may continue resting and dreaming-however to wake up and discover goodness! well! maybe it is smarter to wake up all things considered, regardless of whether to endure, as opposed to stay a trick to fantasies all one’s life.†She appeared to invite her enlivening and, from the outset, appreciated it. There were downsides to it however, similarly as advantages. Individuals around her were profoundly harmed by a portion of her free, and some of the time self-retained, activities. By giving her affections for Robert access, she found energy, and yet, agony and misfortune. The idea of proceeding with her life the manner in which it was, and not having the option to be with Robert drove her to such depression she arrived at the resolution it was in an ideal situation not living. As tragic as this appears, she found a sense of contentment with herself when she passed on, which at last was all that she was making progress toward.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Role Of Women In Canterbury Tales Essays - The Canterbury Tales
Job of Women in Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer fills in as an ethical manual for the 1300's and years after. Through the shortcomings of the two men what's more, lady, he appears in every individual story what is good and bad and how one should live. Under the surface, in any case, lies a fatigued look what's more, lady and how they cause for the defeat of men. ?The Knight's Tale? is one of valor and upstanding good conduct. In any case, underneath the surface lies the subject of the malice nature of ladies. Emily fills the role of the delightful lady who enamors the hearts of two clueless men. Those two men are cousins Arcite and Palamon, the two knights who duel for Emily's submit marriage. The two begin as the best of companions and afterward flat mates in a prison cell that will be shared forever. Be that as it may, with one look at Emily, the two beginning quibbling instinctually and nearly come to blows over something they will always be unable to have, or so it appears. Chaucer's skill for incongruity revels itself as Arcite is discharged from his life sentence however denied from consistently returning to Athens. He would be murdered at any point got inside the city again by King Theseus. Since Arcite is bound to never again observe Emily, his messed up heart causes him affliction as he's debilitated by adoration. It is simply after he concocts the arrangement of coming back to Athens under an accepted name that he begins to show signs of improvement. Then, Palamon stays back in bondage, rendered defenseless because of his long lasting discipline in jail. He realizes that he will always be unable to converse with Emily and surely not wed her in light of his predicament. Everything he can do is watch her from a separation and respect her excellence. Arcite accepts this is a preferable discipline over his, however, as he says: ?O dere cosin Palamon, quod he, Thyn is the victorie of this aventure Ful blisfully in jail maistow dure; In jail? Certes nay, yet in paradys! Wel hath fortuen y-turned thee the dys, That hast the sighte of hir, and I th'adsence. ? In any case, I, that am exyled and bareyne Of alle elegance, and in so welcome despeir, That ther nis erthe, water, fyr, ne eir, Ne animal, that of sew maked is, That may me helpe or doon confort in this: Wel oughte I sterve in wanhope and distresse; Farwel my lyf, my desire, and my gladnesse!? (58 and 60) Emily has caused him such misery that he cries constantly and ponders killing himself so he won't need to feel this consistently torment that seems to have no closure. The entirety of this on account of a lady. Emily is a sweet, guiltless lady of her occasions. In a bizarre contort for a lady of The Canterbury Tales, she is superbly upbeat alone and wouldn't ever like to be hitched. However, Palamon and Arcite duel twice for Emily's affection and Arcite winds up losing his life all due to her. Palamon, winning her of course, serves Emily loyally for quite a long while before she consents to wed him, still not adoring him, however. Nobody wins in ?The Knight's Tale,? be that as it may, it is the two men who battle about the lady who lose the most. The ?Nun's Priest's Tale? is maybe the best portrayal of men's ruin because of the impact of ladies. The story spins around a chicken, Chauntercleer, the most delightful rooster in all of Britain with the best voice an any ear has heard. He has seven spouses yet his most loved was Pertelote, an exquisite hen in her own right. It is this lady, this female, that causes Chauntercleer incredible inconvenience. One night Chauntercleer wakes out of nowhere from an awful dream. Apparently looking for comfort in her, he educates Pertelot concerning the fantasy which includes a wild, uncontrolled pooch with beady eyes coming after Chauntercleer. However, rather than reassuring her ?better half?, she challenges his masculinity and says that no man hers ought to be frightened of a dream. This causes Chauntercleer to go thinking about something else about the many, commonly in history dreams have anticipated the future and how non-adherents endured the still, small voices of not taking the best possible precautionary measures. After he done, notwithstanding, he says that Pertelot is most likely
Sunday, August 16, 2020
John Greens Traveling Book Show
John Greens Traveling Book Show In November, the Wall Street Journal published “Rethinking the Familiar Book Tour,†a piece that argued bookstore readings were (or should be) a thing of the past. For many, this was not a new argument. For others, especially in less urban areas, this concept was a bold one. It has made me wonder about how bookstores, authors, and readers can work together to build better, more engaging book events. I had lived most of my life in a small town in Tennessee before moving to Houston a few years ago, and the only author events I ever had access to were lectures organized by the local university. They were large scale, and they attracted a huge audience. I did not attend my first bookstore event until I moved here, and it was about as traditional as it could get. The author read from the book, talked about their writing process, offered advice for aspiring writers, and then signed books. Since then, I have seen authors do a bit of everything, from asking if anyone in the (very small) audience could give them a ride to the airport to leading the (quite large) audience in a sing-along of “500 Miles†by The Proclaimers. Within the space of a few days, I will have attended two of the major author events for Houston this year, featuring authors John Green and Margaret Atwood. On Friday night, I witnessed hundreds of excited teenagers patiently waiting for a chance to meet John, author of the newly released novel The Fault in Our Stars, and his brother Hank, the other half of their wildly popular VlogBrothers YouTube channel. To make what was going to be a very long wait in line after the event worth the wait, the two brothers put on quite a show. Their goal was to entertain. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, John often felt the need to apologize when things got too serious or sad. Because of their huge online presence and the Nerdfighter community that has grown up around it, they do things differently. They allow flash photography and video of the entire show. They encourage it, and they want to see it posted, tagged, and tweeted. They even live-streamed the Austin tour stop on Saturday night. They alternated between the traditional author event elements reading, discussion, and questions from the audience and music, including one song written specifically for John’s new book called “Video Game Books†(the video is from an earlier tour stop). There were a few other non-traditional touches, like the fact that John was introduced by a sock-puppet named, appropriately, Hank’s Sock. There was also a question session with both brothers that ended in John’s getting shocked because he was the one talking when time was up. The “500 Miles†sing-along was their encore. This format may not appeal to all readers, but the nerdfighters in the audience were loving every minute of it. The parents in the audience appreciated it, too. Several of them sat in their seats reading the first few pages while their kids waited for their color group to be called to line up. Valerie Koehler, owner of Blue Willow Bookshop, the sponsor of the event, does not expect every author to deliver this kind of performance. Everything depends on the author and who their target audience is. Atwood, who is visiting town as part of the Inprint Margaret Root Brown Reading Series, can be expected to follow a very traditional format talk, interview, signing. This, however, is not the case with teenagers. “We had John about four years ago. We took him to Alief High School. There were about 150 kids that came, during school, and heard him talk. It was very, very traditional. He was just starting the whole thing with his brother, with the videos. But now he’s the master of social media, so they are going to expect it [a show like this] out of him.†She is right. They do expect it. Hannah, a 15-year-old girl who attended the event with her mother, told me she has read all of Green’s books and watches all of the videos on line. She was in on all the inside jokes, so she thought the show was pretty hilarious. This was only her second book event, the first of which she described as: “Here’s your book. It’s signed to you. You’re welcome.†While she clearly preferred John and Hank’s version, she does not think their approach would work for everyone. I found Hannah’s choice of words during this conversation most interesting. She did not use “event†or “signing†or “reading†as most people would tend to do. She called these events “book shows.†This event certainly had that feel. It was a show, and it was very easy to get caught up in the excitement of the crowd. I am not sure that Atwood’s event (one I have been excited about for months) will have that “show†feel to it, but I can tell you that she is playing to a sell-out crowd. I will be back later this week to tell you how it went. ____________________________ Cassandra Neace teaches college students how to write essays and blogs about books and book-related goodness at Indie Reader Houston. Follow her on Twitter: @CassandraNeace
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Hiv/ Aids a Comparision Between Gujarat and Maharastra
ASSIGNMENT Compare and contrast of HIV/AIDS prevention and care programme between Gujarat and Maharashtra states in India India has a serious health problem with Hiv/AIDS. In 2006, 3.1 million people were living with the virus, according to NACO( The National Aids Control Organisation). In 2006, the 15-44 age group had a HIV prevalence of 0.28%, so 1.7 million people were HIV positive in India at that time. 1986 witnessed the first case then by 1990 it had assumed epidemic proportions. Today HIV positive numbers in India are the second highest in the world This essay will compare the HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Gujrat has below 5% prevalence rate among high risk groups and less than 1% in the†¦show more content†¦People received the knowledge of the all the activities and services available for HIV prevention and care. Condom promotion was one part of this exhibition. In this way in the absence of the Adolescences education Programme, people were able to obtain the vital information for the first time to use condoms for the prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS. Currently, there are 6 A.R.T. (antiretroviral therapy) centres in the state at Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Mehsana, Bhavnagar, and two in Surat. Figures obtained in December 2008 show that 22,837 patients were registered at the six A.R.T. centres of these 12,257 had started treatment and 8,011 patients were still alive and on A.R.T. A further three A.R.T. centres are being set up in their state. Gujarat is the first state in India to pioneer the idea of Link A.R.T. centres. 14 have been established so far. These are designed to provide optimum service for those on A.R.T. who are below poverty line and live at a considerable distance from an A.R.T. centre. An Examination of The ART centre at the BJ Medical College shows that the centre includes senior and junior medical officers, technicians along with counsellors and nurses. Medical officers in the ART centre examine the patients and suggest drug treatment for ART which are distributed from the centre to the patients
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Mexican Revolution Diaz´s Administration and Beyond Essay
Mexico had a long way to be stabilized from Diaz’s administration to the constitution of the 1917. The Porfiriato era was able to stabilize Mexico had problems despite of the growing economy led a major uprising. After factions argued what’s best for Mexico led a list of compromise constitution that is the constitution of 1917 which they have debated each other. Porfirio Diaz led a coup against President Manuel Gonzalez whom was to pick up and leave in 1876. The Diaz system allows him using the army and police powers to controlled elections, press and public speech, and popular government a farce . He managed to stay in power as he modernize Mexico was practical to it until 1910. Industrialization came to a high price when there had been†¦show more content†¦It seems for rich and the foreigners who controls the resources, â€Å"the ownership of these subsurface deposits was now given to those who owned the land .†Towns lost their lands and autonomy as to industrialize farming, mineral, oil, and transportation such as railroads. If a ranch and Indian villages didn’t produced much was seized by Diaz whom issued new land laws. He was so effective when came to land registration law which left 60% own no land while the rich classes and foreigners own the land. In 1910, the people were fed up to deal with Diaz to lead up t he Mexican Revolution in 1917. One of their reasons for the farmers to rebel against Diaz, that their land as they blame him for their bad conditions in this country. Diaz tries to drag modernize Mexico at a high price which he was able to succeed. The Mexican army shrunk, but it was equipped with modern weapons with help of the Germans . He has to rebuild the nation by reorganizing police force, state’s power, and reduce the power of the central government. Diaz had made Mexico into an oligarchy system which it had everyone in their place. The idea of the oligarchy didn’t last very long along with eliminate serious competition and close the door to all but a few . That seems the reason why conditions were bad in Mexico while the rich enjoy the wealth. While Diaz is still under power hold a tight grip over the government as hisShow MoreRelatedImperialism And War : American Foreign Affairs7199 Words  | 29 Pagestrade agreements and alignments and foster the spread of Christian and democratic ideals as they understood them. The isolationism that seemed to work for America began to change late in the century for a variety of reasons. First, the industrial revolution had created challenges that required a broad reassessment of economic policies and conduct. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Active Passive Voice Skill and Drill Quiz Free Essays
Univ. of Phoenix: Center for Writing Excellence, Active and Passive Voice Skill-and-Drill Quiz Note: Every time you take the quiz the questions are in a different order and some questions will be different. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Active Passive Voice Skill and Drill Quiz or any similar topic only for you Order Now Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? †¢The hotel was left by the blackout with 250 pounds of spoiled food. ?The blackout left the hotel with 250 pounds of spoiled food. 1. Which of the following sentences should be rewritten in the active voice? †¢The director’s left had was left with about 75% mobility after he suffered injuries in a car accident. A gap was left in the auditing team by the capable director when he left. 2. Identify the correct active equivalent of this passive sentence: Enron might still exist had auditors been granted full access to company records by the executives. ?Auditors might have saved Enron had authorities granted them full access to company records. †¢Auditors might have been able to save Enron had they been granted full access to company records. †¢Enron might still exist had the executives granted the auditors full access to company records. 3. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? The ing redients will have to be added to the boiling water. ?You will have to add the ingredients to the boiling water. 4. Identify the correct active equivalent of this passive sentence: The books will be taken from the library by the movers on January 16. ?The movers will take the books from the library on January 16. †¢The movers are taking the books from the library on January 16. †¢The movers took the books from the library on January 16. 5. Identify the correct active equivalent of this passive sentence: Intellectuals were relocated by Pol Pot to the Indonesian countryside. Pol Pot has relocated intellectuals to the Indonesian countryside †¢Pol Pot wanted to relocate intellectuals to the Indonesian countryside. ?Pol Pot relocated intellectuals to the Indonesian countryside. 6. Pick the best active equivalent of the following sentence: The brochures and the radio spots were written by the tireless marketing team. †¢The brochures and radio spots had been written by the tireless marketing team. ?The tireless marketing team wrote the brochures and radio spots. †¢The brochures and radio spots were written by the tireless marketing team. 7. Which of the following sentences should be rewritten in the active voice? ?PepsiCo’s production of diet soda was exceeded by Coca-Cola in 2006. †¢The coast of Maine wa buffeted by strong winds early this morning. 8. Pick the best active equivalent of the following sentence: The layout of the new rooms at headquarters was considered â€Å"old-fashioned†by the designers, and new flooring and wall coverings were recommended. †¢The layout of the new rooms at headquarters was considered â€Å"old-fashioned†by the designers, and they recommended new flooring and wall coverings. The designer considered the layout of the new rooms at headquarters to be â€Å"old-fashioned,†and new flooring and wall coverings were recommended. ?The designers considered the layout of the new rooms at headquarters to be â€Å"old-fashioned†and recommended new flooring and wall coverings. 9. Identify the correct active equivalent of this passive sentence: The note book computers were produced by Toshiba Corporation. ?Toshiba Corporation produced the notebook computers. †¢Toshiba Corporation had produced the notebook computers. †¢Toshiba Corporation will produce the notebook computers. 10. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? †¢The jury was instructed not to discuss the case with anyone. ?The judge instructed the jury not to discuss the case with anyone. 11. Which of the following sentences should be rewritten in the active voice? †¢The rare book was found several miles from the library on a park bench. ?The dissertation was worked on 14 hours a day for seven days by the talented and soon-to-be Doctor Jana Hartwood. 12. Change this verb form active voice to passive voice: â€Å"†¦were watching their stock. †? †¦ stock was being watched †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ stock had been watched †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ stock had been watching 3. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? ?The eccentric millionaire will purchase the artwork for about $100,000. †¢The artwork will be purchased by the eccentric millionaire for about $100,000. 14. Pick the best active equivalent of the following sentence: The show was stolen by Sue Preston, when an imitation of CEO Richard Blake was performed by her. ?Sue Preston stole the show when she imitated CEO Richard Blake †¢Sue Preston stole the show when an imitation of CEO Richard Blake was performed by her. †¢The show was stolen by Sue Preston, when she performed an imitation of CEO Richard Blake. 15. Pick the best active equivalent of the following sentence: After the colors were presented by the color guard, the commencement address was given by Hans Goldman, a lively if elderly survivor of the holocaust. †¢After the colors were presented by the color guard, Hans Goldman, a lively if elderly survivor of the holocaust, gave the commencement address. ?After the color guard presented the colors, Hans Goldman, a lively if elderly survivor of the holocaust, gave the commencement address. †¢After the color guard presented the colors, the commencement address was given by the Hans Goldman, a lively if elderly survivor of the holocaust. 6. Which of the following sentences should be rewritten in the active voice? †¢The experiment was first conducted at Yale University in the 1970s. ?The gold medal was won by gymnast Peter Vidmar in Los Angeles. 17. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? ?The government cannot foresee the potential damage of a severe hurric ane season. †¢The potential damage of a severe hurricane season cannot be foreseen by the government. 18. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? ?Workers burn the sugar cane before hauling it to the refinery. †¢The sugar cane is burned before it is hauled to the refinery. 19. Pick the best active equivalent of the following sentence: A thickening was found by the doctor in the patient’s right bicep, and the patient was told by the doctor that it would need to be removed by the surgeon. †¢The doctor found a thickening in the patient’s right bicep, and the patient was told by the doctor that it would need to be removed by the surgeon. †¢A thickening was found by the doctor in the patient’s right bicep, and the doctor told the patient the surgeon would need to remove it. ?The doctor found a thickening in the patient’s right bicep, and the doctor told the patient the surgeon would need to remove it. 0. Change this verb from active voice to passive voice: â€Å"†¦will perform Chopin’s etudes. †? Chopin’s etudes will be performed†¦ †¢Chopin’s etudes were performed†¦ †¢Chopin’s etudes may be performed†¦ 21. Identify the correct active equivalent of this passiv e sentence: The organization had originally been established by the Quakers in 1848. †¢The Quakers originally established the organization in 1848 ? The Quakers had originally established the organization in 1848. †¢The Quakers were originally establishing the organization in 1848. 22. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? By whom can Mt. Everest be climbed? ?Who will be able to climb Mt. Everest? 23. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? ?The executive team sought ways to help the training department recover. †¢Ways were sought by the executive team to help the training department recover. 24. Which of the following sentences should be rewritten in the active voice? ?Sweaters were knitted by the 75-year-old great grandmother of seven, who sold them to supplement her social security. †¢The relic of inestimable value was found in an antique store in West Virginia. How to cite Active Passive Voice Skill and Drill Quiz, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Human Resource Management Process
Question: Describe about "Human Resource Management". Answer: The rate of economic growth and development is associated with the planning process for human resource departments of different organizations within their respective industries. The predictions made my administrators regarding the right proportions combine the available capital, the intended objectives, and the employment needs are essential in defining productivity and success. Labor transitions, as well as the rate of turnover of retention and recruitment, have contributed to the performance of the economic sector regarding investment and withdrawals in the national income cycle. The actions of human resource managers define the extent to which the organizations will achieve their desired financial stability through increased profit margins (Armstrong, 2011). The human resource management processes for the government and private sector investments has facilitated the Gross Domestic Product in Singapore as well as creating a stable environment for organizational performance. The pur pose of this essay is to examine the how Strategic Human Resource Management complement the efficacy of organizations during the good and bad times. In Singapore, the economic growth rate has been fluctuating from a high value of 37% to a lower figure of -13.50% between 1975 and 2016. The actual current standings have been stable at 0.00%. The country depends on the service industry and the manufacturing sector to sustain the financial stability regarding the gross national income (Trading Economics, 2016). The countrys income is also generated from the financial transactions since the state has invested in financial management. The other corporate organizations have also contributed to the GDP performance of the country because of their Strategic Human Resource Management plans. The diversity of investors within Singapore ranges from industrial investment to service delivery, and their success is associated with the approaches they employ in managing risks as well as implementing changes in the human resource sector. The augmentation of the workers to the success of an organization depends on the levels of the remuneration and t he extent of job satisfaction (Gratton et al., 1999). Once an interactive environment is established, motivational measures are brought on board to ascertain the need for performance that will contribute to effectiveness. Each organization desires to increase the profit margin, and the labor force plays a crucial role in this objective. It is essential to recognize that Strategic Human Resource Management is important for economic stability within outside an organization. When companies are performing according to the set mechanisms, the roles carried out by the human resource managers are meant to assure the firm of an adequate supply of labor regarding skills, experience, and competence (Boselie, 2010). The economic stability in the country defines the measures undertaken by enterprises to secure their human resource culture. The period when organizations are enjoying the good times, the human resource management assists in developing an environment that will support to counter the effect of competition in the industry. The plans generated are geared towards quality improvement and productivity. Developing the skills of the employees is vital when creating a sustainable labor culture. Strategic Human Resource Management in an organization shifts the attention from planning to implementation and evaluation of perfo rmance about expected objectives and growth targets (Mello, 2014). At this point, the analysis of the needs of the company is compared with the labor market and the training structure. The forecasts in relations to costs help the organization to plan for possible crises emanating from the internal structures or caused by the factors of the external business environment. Moreover, it is essential to note that employees enjoy the stable environment that is available when the organization is running as expected. The hardworking employees receive rewards and are complimented through the set measures of motivation. The state also benefits from the organizational stabilities recorded across the country. The income taxes are stable, investments and savings are increasing, and the compensation insurance rates are relatively low. The debenture holders and shareholders enjoy their interests and dividends respectively as forecasted by the financial analysts. For example, the economic stability in China since 2010 provided a safe environment for organizational development. The Toyota Motor strategic plan was put in place. The managers of the affiliates offered leadership that enabled the company to become the best performing motor company in the world in 2015 (Pai, 2006). The company was not facing much risks and pressure from the internal and external environm ent hence the focus was on the growth of the motor industry in China. The strategic approach to human resource management enabled the company to outdo Volkswagen and General Motors. Strategic Human Resource Management therefore in focused towards realizing the departmental objectives by enhancing employee participation in teamwork, training, and cooperation (Armstrong, 2008). However, the peaceful coexistence within an organization may not last for long because the success of an organization is based on diversity of factors that are subject to fluctuation and interference. The stable profits may significantly fall affecting the financial stability of the firm as well as the countrys economic performance. The number of employees may be unmanageable and proved to be an excess costs to the company. The skills and academic qualification may not match the industry competition making the business vulnerable. Such scenarios are referred to crises, and they alter the approaches to be used b y the human resource managers to solve problems. Nevertheless, the Strategic Human Resource Management approaches during crises are unique since they are meant to bring sanity in the processes of management and implementation of solutions (Chadwick, 2005). For example, during the economic recession in Singapore between 2008 and 2009 affected the Government Investment Corporation of Singapore and the Temasek holdings. Most of the organizations in banking industry had to close their operations. However, the two organizations had to restructure their operation and financial management schemes to evade receivership. The human resource in terms of expertise, experience, and commitment revived the control that the organizations had by 2012 (National Library Board, 2015). The occurrence of the uncertainties calls for measures that will reduce the impacts of the problem. The activities carried out are meant to reduce the possible losses to levels that will not incapacitate the organization. Most of the human resource measures involve the r ejuvenation of the sustainable environment in the organization that existed before the risks occurred. At this moment, there is a great need to realign the objectives to fit into the existing scenario without losing the measures as well as creating generality across all aspects of the firm. Although the focus of crises interventions is to resume normal operation, the other side of the process involves analysis of the occurrence to generate a learning tool for future decision-making. The human resource team plays a crucial role in communication, developing policies, applying new skills, and implementing interventions (Kramar, 2013). The employees become the center of the crises management irrespective department that is primarily responsible. The activities carried out during the crisis within the organization may spill over to the external environment such as the industry and the state. Besides, the after managing the crises the human resource carries out the measures meant to restructure the disoriented processes for efficient operation. The activities involved in the post-crises period are important because they define the magnitude to which the ascertained changes will enable the organization to recaptures the market and economic trends. The constant growth in GDP in Singapore may not have a drastic implication on the organization after the crises; however, states with unstable economies may prove the post crises recovery a difficult process. Impacts emanating from economic crises may affect the performance of the firm to the extent of dissolution. A strategic approach that involves the contribution of the human resource to the process of solving the problem could assist in building a new culture that will incorporate the transformations (Chew Chong, 1999). Poor performance in organizations regarding the generated profits, losses in the company related to cash f lows, and risks originating from poor planning can be solved through strategic human resource management. The employees are conversant with the operations of the organization and can embrace changes and supervision quickly. However, some measures can be incorporated into the Strategic Human Resource Management interventions to reduce the chances of crises occurring in the organizations. Effective planning by all sectors of the firm will ensure that the decisions reflect the exact scenario in the industry to reduce the exposure to risks (Rothwell Kazanas, 2003; Salaman et al., 2005). The degree of risk management through human resource planning is an essential aspect when managing economic recession and inevitable downturns. When the human resource team and the master plan for the future based on the desired objectives as well as the evidence from predictive analysis then the success of the organization is guaranteed. It is vital to understand that planning does not eliminate risks and crises, but it reduces the impacts they cause once they are inevitable. Companies need to improve the position of the organization in the industry; therefore, the firm should include Strategic Human Resource Management as an essential element in the planning process (Pynes, 2013). The setting of measures that guard the activities of the company should be comprehensive. The desires of the employees, the objectives of the nation, and the goals of the company should be amalgamated to create an environment of mutual benefit. In conclusion, the management of human resource affairs is essential for the success of organizations. The objective of strategic planning in the administration of labor assist companies to generate measures that can be implemented to mitigate existing challenges related to recruitment, retentions, and motivation of workers. When the organization is excellently attaining the set objectives and financial targets regarding profit, the Strategic Human Resource Management processes assist in maintaining and sustainably generated culture. However, during crises human resource managers help in rejuvenating the stability of the organization through labor transformation, restructuring, and specialization. The performance of the human resource departments in corporate organizations is reflected in the GDP of the respective states through the annual analysis. Therefore, Strategic Human Resource Management is not only a safe tool for organizational effectiveness during crises but also a contrib utor to national development. References Armstrong, M. L. (2011). Armstrongs handbook of strategic human resource management. (K. Redmond, Ed.) (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic human resource management: A guide to action (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Boselie, P. (2010). Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Chadwick, C. (2005). The vital role of strategy in strategic human resource management education. Human Resource Management Review, 15(3), 200213. Chew, I. K.-H., Chong, P. (1999). Effects of strategic human resource management on strategic vision. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 10(6), 10311045. Gratton, L., Hope-Hailey, V., Stiles, P., Hailey, V. H., Truss, C. (1999). Strategic human resource management: Corporate rhetoric and human reality. New York: Oxford University Press. Kramar, R. (2013). Beyond strategic human resource management: Is sustainable human resource management the next approach? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(8), 10691089. Mello, J. A. (2014). Strategic human resource management (4th ed.). United States: South- Western College Publishing. National Library Board. (2015). Historic Events: Economic Recession in Singapore. Singapore: NIB. Pai, P. (2016). Car Companies: The Top Ten in the World. Pynes, J. E. (2013). Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: A strategic approach (4th ed.). United States: John Wiley Sons. Rothwell, W. J., Kazanas, H. C. (2003). Planning and managing human resources: Strategic planning for human resources management (2nd ed.). United States: Human Resource Development Press. Salaman, G., Storey, J., Billsberry, J. (Eds.). (2005). Strategic human resource management: Theory and practice (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications. TRADING ECONOMICS. (2016). Singapore GDP Growth Rate: 1975-2016. Retrieved 21 May.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Aguinaga Maria Business Case free essay sample
This causes Obama (who is the official first cyber-warfare president) to not only worry about who is attacking his military but who is attacking and targeting his country. 2. Question There are people, organizations and technologies that are responsible for cyber-warfare. These include People: Representatives of Congress are responsible because they failed to pass two executive orders that President Obama wanted to pass in 2012.Organization: The Obama administration is also responsible for cybercafà © because in 2013, they accused the Chinese government and P. L. A. For attacking the U. S. Government. They wanted to avoid the confrontation because the U. S. Needed the help of China in dealing with the military and nuclear threat created by North Korea and Iran. Technology: There was something called a wiper agent named Dark Seoul, which overrates the master boot record (MBA).North Korea attacked the Chinese-written Gonad exploit kit, which attacked and infected PCs. This created a zombie computer and the attackers had access to any information. We will write a custom essay sample on Aguinaga Maria Business Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3. Question There are some solutions for the cybercafà © problem. These solutions include Solution one: the Obama administration began helping all Asian and Middle Eastern allies in enforcing their computer network defenses against any threats coming from North Korea and Iran.They have been helping them by also supplying any advanced hardware, software and raining programs Solution two: China and the United States have an increased diplomatic pressure in how to deal with the attackers coming from North Korea and Iran. This is because China happens to be North Koreans trading partner and important ally. Also China depends on Iran for its energy needs. The only way they can have a solution for cybercafà © is by controlling it.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Ipl Scandals Essays
Ipl Scandals Essays Ipl Scandals Essay Ipl Scandals Essay - The Indian Premier League (IPL) is a professional league for Twenty20 cricket championship in India. It was initiated by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), headquartered in Mumbai,Maharashtra[3][4] and is supervised by BCCI Vice President Rajeev Shukla,[5] who serves as the leagues Chairman and Commissioner. It is currently contested by nine teams, consisting of players from around the cricketing world. - However, the league has been engulfed byseries of corruption scandals. - Controversies involving the Indian Premier League From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has found itself in the middle of many conflicts with various cricket boards around the world as a result of the Indian Premier League (IPL). The main point of contention was that signed players should always be available to their country for international tours, even if it overlaps with the IPL season. To address this, the BCCI officially requested that the International Cricket Council (ICC) to institute a time period in the International Future Tours Program, solely for the IPL season. This request was not granted at a subsequent meeting held by the ICC. [1] Contents  [hide] * 1 Conflicts with the England and Wales Cricket Board * 2 Media restrictions * 3 Conflict with Cricket Club of India * 4 Suspension of Lalit Modi * 5 Chirayu Amin named IPL interim chairman * 6 Termination of the Kochi franchise * 7 2012 spot fixing case * 8 References| - edit]Conflicts with the England and Wales Cricket Board Because the inaugural IPL season coincided with the County Championship season as well as New Zealands tour of England, the ECB and county cricket clubs raised their concerns to the BCCI over players. The ECB made it abundantly clear that they would not sign No Objection Certificates for players- a prerequisite for playing in the IPL. Chairmen of the county clubs also made it clear that players contracted to them were required to ulfill their commitment to their county. As a result of this, Dimitri Mascarenhas was the only English player to have signed with the IPL for the 2008 season. [2] A result of the ECBs concerns about players joining the IPL, was a proposed radical response of creating their own Twenty20 tournament that would be similar in structure to the IPL. The league - titled the Twenty20 English Premier League - would feature 21 teams in three groups of seven and would occur towards the end of the summer season. 3] The ECB enlisted the aid of Texas billionaire Allen Stanford to launch the proposed league. [4] Stanford was the brains behind the successful Stanford 20/20, a tournament that has run twice in the West Indies. On 17 February 2009, when news of the fraud investigation against Stanford became public, the ECB and WICB withdrew from talks w ith Stanford on sponsorship. [5][6] On February 20 the ECB announced it has severed its ties with Stanford and cancelled all contracts with him. [7] - [edit]Media restrictions Initially the IPL enforced strict guidelines to media covering matches, consistent with their desire to use the same model sports leagues in North America use in regards to media coverage. Notable guidelines imposed included the restriction to use images taken during the event unless purchased from cricket. com, owned by Live Current Media Inc (who won the rights to such images) and the prohibition of live coverage from the cricket grounds. Media agencies also had to agree to upload all images taken at IPL matches to the official website. This was deemed unacceptable by print media around the world. Upon the threat of boycott, the IPL eased up on several of the restrictions. [8] On 15 April 2008 a revised set of guidelines offering major concessions to the print media and agencies was issued by the IPL and accepted by the Indian Newspaper Society. [9] - [edit]Conflict with Cricket Club of India As per IPL rules, the winner of the previous competition decides the venue for the finals. [10] In 2009, the reigning Champions, Deccan Chargerschose the Brabourne Stadium in Mumbai. [10] However, a dispute regarding use of the avilion meant that no IPL matches could be held there. The members of the Cricket Club of India that owns the stadium have the sole right to the pavilion on match days, whereas the IPL required the pavilion for its sponsors. [11] The members were offered free seats in the stands, however the club rejected the offer, stating that members could not be moved out of the pavilion. [10][12][13] - [edit]Suspension of Lalit Modi On 25 April 2010, the BCCI suspended Lalit Modi, the IPL chairman, for alleged acts of individual misdemeanours. The suspension notice was served on him by Rajeev Shukla, BCCI vice-president, and N Srinivasan, the board secretary, sending an e-mail to the same effect. It followed a day of negotiations with interlocutors attempting to persuade Modi to resign but pre-empted a potentially flashpoint at a scheduled IPL governing council meeting, which Modi had said he would attend. Modi was officially barred from participating in the affairs of the Board, the IPL and any other committee of the BCCI. [14] - edit]Chirayu Amin named IPL interim chairman Chirayu Amin, an industrialist and head of the Baroda Cricket Association, was named interim chairman of the IPL by the BCCI, following Lalit Modis suspension. [15] According to BCCI, many important documents were missing from the IPL and BCCI offices. Many of the records are missing. The IT is asking for documents. We dont have them. We have asked BCCI CAO Prof Ratnakar Shetty to look into the missing records and papers, said BCCI President Shas hank Manohar. [16] - edit]Termination of the Kochi franchise On September 19, 2011, the newly elected BCCI president N Srinivasan, after the annual general meeting in Mumbai, announced that the Kochi Tuskers Kerala IPL franchise was terminated by the BCCI for breaching its terms of agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, each franchise has to submit a bank guarantee every year that covers the fee payable to the BCCI. The 2010-founded team was bought for Rs 1,550 crore and the consortium has to pay a bank guarantee of 156 crore every year till 2020. 17] The consortium that owns Kochi is reported to have defaulted on an annual payment of 156 crores as a bank guarantee. In April 2010, the BCCIs working committee had rejected demands from Kochi and Pune Warriors for a reduction in their franchisee fees. The two new franchises, which made their debuts in 2011, had sought a 25% waiver on the grounds that the BCCI had stated in the bidding document that each team would play 1 8 league matches in a season. The schedule was later reduced to 14 matches per team. - edit]2012 spot fixing case Main article: 2012 Indian Premier League spot fixing case On 14 May 2012, an Indian news channel India TV aired a sting operation which accused 5 players involved in spot fixing. Reacting to the news, Indian Premier League president Rajiv Shukla immediately suspended the 5 uncapped players. The five players were, TP Sudhindra (Deccan Chargers), Mohnish Mishra (Pune Warriors), Amit Yadav, Shalabh Srivastava (Kings XI Punjab) and Abhinav Bali, Delhi cricketer . [18] However, the report went on to claim that none of the famous cricketers were found guilty. On the reliability of the report, Rajat Sharma, the editor-in-chief of news channel India TV quoted that the channel had no doubts about the authenticity of the sting operation and prepared to go to court. [19] Mohnish Mishra who was part of Pune Warriors India team for the season, admitted to have said that franchises pay black money, in a sting operation. Mishra was caught on tape saying that franchisees paid them black money and that he had received 1. 5 crore (US$273,000) from the later, among which 1. 2 crore (US$218,400) was black money. [20] He was also suspended from his team. [21]
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Legalizing Marijuana - Research Paper Example Although there are many voices and opinions about this topic, the legalization of the drug could support a more stable criminal justice system and prevent the consequences of arrest on citizens that far outweigh the nature of the crime. In understanding the argument for the legalization of marijuana, one must first understand what aspects of the drug is relevant to legalization. The cannabis plant is one of the oldest cultivated varieties of plants in the history of the world. There is evidence that shows that the plant was used for both clothing manufacture and for its intoxicating effects, but there is also some evidence to show that it was grown for its food potential as well (Green, 2002, p. 10). The plant has an Asian origin, although scientists have been unable to determine a specific origin as the long history of the plant defies the ability of research to trace it back to an origin. ` The cannabis plant has many uses that go beyond just the use of the leaves as an intoxicant. Henry Ford made a prototype of a vehicle using hemp (the fiber derived from the plant) based plastics for the body which turned out to be stronger than steel. He was also working on a hemp based oil product for fuel (Green, 2002, 17). Hemp fibers can be used to create natural The drug has an infamous quality as there have been tales and myths reported from the results of usage of the intoxicant. From the 13th century there are writings from Marco Polo about a Persian ruler who had disciples who committed religiously motivated murder who were inspired by the use of cannabis. There is a similar contemporary tale of Shiites who recruit assassins who are users of the drug. In a similar vein, there are stories of African white land owners addicting the Bushmen of the area to marijuana as a means of controlling them (Roffman, 2006, p. 6). All these tales describe the worst imaginable horrors that can be
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Roles and Responsibilities of Nurses Research Paper
Roles and Responsibilities of Nurses - Research Paper Example If the nurse fails to observe her duty with sincerity, it would become very difficult for the doctors to perform their jobs. A professional nurse must be competent enough to meet the standards defined by clinics and hospitals and must have proper education regarding the field (Blais, 2006). A professional nurse must reflect professionalism from her attitude and behavior towards the assigned responsibilities. It is of extreme importance that the nurses are sincere to their job and duties because they have got many lives at stake (Child & Institute of Medicine (U.S.), 2004). Nursing has been stereotyped with many other characters and professions. It is a general conception that nurses are only female and if male nurses are seen in the profession, they are generally resembled to female and are considered gay. Male nurses are usually not treated with the same respect that they deserve. It is a common belief that the people who adopt nursing are dropouts from universities and are failures (S. Summers & H. Summers, 2009). It is also considered that students who are weak in their studies and are not interested in studying are sent to study nursing. It is also considered that the nurses are working for the doctor, whereas actually they work under the doctor’s guidance and have the responsibility to update the doctor. In reality nurses are figures of sincere devotion, care, patience and strength. The strength, sincerity, feeling of care, love for the people and selflessness are some attributes that should be present in a nurse (Chitty & Black, 2011). The nurse plays a major role in curing the patient by providing the patient with psychological support and reviving the patients who have lost hope to recover. It is one of the major roles played by a nurse, which is generally not known by the people. Oftentimes a nurse can do what doctors cannot. Doctors can only treat the patient with medicines, but the psychological support can only be given by the nurse, and that plays a major role in curing the patient. A nurse also plays a role of a teacher. She helps the patient to get to know about their health condition in detail. This role is not known by many people in general either (Guine?e, 1970). My role model in nursing is Callista Roy. She is a complete woman and an outstanding nurse who has strived to serve the patients with all her heart and soul. Her views and concepts regarding this profession are very unique and practical. It is a general misconception that nurses have a very easy job as they just follow the doctor’s order. Nurses are responsible for doing much more than that. They have the responsibility to support the patient throughout his recovery process, remain attentive and alert during their entire working time in order to take timely actions which could otherwise lead to serious consequences. Their sincere duty can save lives while on the other hand, any mishandling or irresponsibility can lead to death of patients concerne d. They are obliged to remain aware of the patient’s conditions more than a doctor and update the doctors regularly (Blais, 2006). It is the core responsibility of a nurse to treat patients without any discrimination of cast, color or creed. A nurse must see each patient as a suffering human only and nothing other than that (Allen, 2001). A nurse
Monday, January 27, 2020
With The Help Of Bcg Matrix Marketing Essay
With The Help Of Bcg Matrix Marketing Essay In the late 1960s a consultant for the Boston Consulting Group presented his ideas about cash deficient and growth deficient businesses and the need for a balance between cash generators and cash users. In 1968, BCG created the growth-share matrix, a simple chart to assist large corporations in deciding how to allocate cash among their business units. The corporation would categorize its business units as Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, and Dogs (originally Pets), and then allocate cash accordingly, moving money from cash cows toward stars and question marks that had higher market growth rates, and hence higher upside potential. The growth-share matrix was intended to analyze a portfolio from a corporate perspective because it is only at that level that cash balance is meaningful. A business may, however, be segmented further using this diagnostic tool to understand the positions of its various product lines or market segments. This portfolio can therefore be made up of products in a multi-product company, divisions in a multidivisional company and companies in a conglomerate. The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is based on the observation that a companys business units can be classified into four categories based on combinations of market growth and market share relative to the largest competitor, hence the name growth-share. Market growth serves as a proxy for industry attractiveness, and relative market share serves as a proxy for competitive advantage. The growth-share matrix thus maps the business unit positions within these two important determinants of profitability It is the most renowned corporate portfolio analysis tool. It provides a graphic representation for an organization to examine different businesses in its portfolio on the basis of their related market share and industry growth rates. It is a two dimensional analysis on management of SBUs (Strategic Business Units). In other words, it is a comparative analysis of business potential and the evaluation of environment. For each product or service, the area of the circle represents the value of its sales. The BCG Matrix thus offers a map of the organizations product (or service) strengths and weaknesses, at least in terms of current profitability, as well as the likely cash flows. The need which prompted this idea was, indeed, that of managing cash-flow. It was reasoned that one of the main indicators of cash generation was relative market share, and one which pointed to cash usage was that of market growth rate. Derivatives can also be used to create a product portfolio analysis of services. So Information System services can be treated accordingly. Relative market share This indicates likely cash generation, because the higher the share the more cash will be generated. As a result of economies of scale (a basic assumption of the BCG Matrix), it is assumed that these earnings will grow faster the higher the share. The exact measure is the brands share relative to its largest competitor. Thus, if the brand had a share of 20 percent, and the largest competitor had the same, the ratio would be 1:1. If the largest competitor had a share of 60 percent; however, the ratio would be 1:3, implying that the organizations brand was in a relatively weak position. If the largest competitor only had a share of 5 percent, the ratio would be 4:1, implying that the brand owned was in a relatively strong position, which might be reflected in profits and cash flows. If this technique is used in practice, this scale is logarithmic, not linear. On the other hand, exactly what is a high relative share is a matter of some debate. The best evidence is that the most stable position (at least in Fast Moving Consumer Goods FMCG markets) is for the brand leader to have a share double that of the second brand, and triple that of the third. Brand leaders in this position tend to be very stable-and profitable. The reason for choosing relative market share, rather than just profits, is that it carries more information than just cash flow. It shows where the brand is positioned against its main competitors, and indicates where it might be likely to go in the future. It can also show what type of marketing activities might be expected to be effective. Relative Market Share = SBU Sales this year leading competitors sales this year. Market growth rate Rapidly growing in rapidly growing markets, are what organizations strive for; but, as we have seen, the penalty is that they are usually net cash users they require investment. The reason for this is often because the growth is being bought by the high investment, in the reasonable expectation that a high market share will eventually turn into a sound investment in future profits. The theory behind the matrix assumes, therefore, that a higher growth rate is indicative of accompanying demands on investment. The cut-off point is usually chosen as 10 per cent per annum. Determining this cut-off point, the rate above which the growth is deemed to be significant (and likely to lead to extra demands on cash) is a critical requirement of the technique; and again makes the use of the BCG Matrix problematical in some product areas. What is more, the evidence, from FMCG markets at least, is that the most typical pattern is of very low growth, less than 1 per cent per annum. This is outsid e the range normally considered in BCG Matrix work, which may make application of this form of analysis unworkable in many markets. Where it can be applied, however, the market growth rate says more about the brand position than just its cash flow. It is a good indicator of that markets strength, of its future potential (of its maturity in terms of the market life-cycle), and also of its attractiveness to future competitors. It can also be used in growth analysis. Market Growth Rate = Industry sales this year Industry Sales last year. The analysis requires that both measures be calculated for each SBU. The dimension of business strength, relative market share, will measure comparative advantage indicated by market dominance. The key theory underlying this is existence of an experience curve and that market share is achieved due to overall cost leadership. BCG matrix has four cells, with the horizontal axis representing relative market share and the vertical axis denoting market growth rate. The mid-point of relative market share is set at 1.0. if all the SBUs are in same industry, the average growth rate of the industry is used. While, if all the SBUs are located in different industries, then the mid-point is set at the growth rate for the economy. Resources are allocated to the business units according to their situation on the grid. The four cells of this matrix have been called as stars, cash cows, question marks and dogs. Each of these cells represents a particular type of business. growth_share_matrix.gif Stars- Stars represent business units having large market share in a fast growing industry. They may generate cash but because of fast growing market, stars require huge investments to maintain their lead. Net cash flow is usually modest. SBUs located in this cell are attractive as they are located in a robust industry and these business units are highly competitive in the industry. If successful, a star will become a cash cow when the industry matures. Cash Cows- Cash Cows represents business units having a large market share in a mature, slow growing industry. Cash cows require little investment and generate cash that can be utilized for investment in other business units. These SBUs are the corporations key source of cash, and are specifically the core business. They are the base of an organization. These businesses usually follow stability strategies. When cash cows lose their appeal and move towards deterioration, then a retrenchment policy may be pursued. Question Marks- Question marks represent business units having low relative market share and located in a high growth industry. They require huge amount of cash to maintain or gain market share. They require attention to determine if the venture can be viable. Question marks are generally new goods and services which have a good commercial prospective. There is no specific strategy which can be adopted. If the firm thinks it has dominant market share, then it can adopt expansion strategy, else retrenchment strategy can be adopted. Most businesses start as question marks as the company tries to enter a high growth market in which there is already a market-share. If ignored, then question marks may become dogs, while if huge investment is made, they may have potential of becoming stars. Dogs- Dogs represent businesses having weak market shares in low-growth markets. They neither generate cash nor require huge amount of cash. Due to low market share, these business units face cost disadvantages. Generally retrenchment strategies are adopted because these firms can gain market share only at the expense of competitors/rival firms. These business firms have weak market share because of high costs, poor quality, ineffective marketing, etc. Unless a dog has some other strategic aim, it should be liquidated if there is fewer prospects for it to gain market share. Number of dogs should be avoided and minimized in an organization. fwk-tanner-fig02_017.jpg Limitations of BCG Matrix The BCG Matrix produces a framework for allocating resources among different business units and makes it possible to compare many business units at a glance. But BCG Matrix is not free from limitations, such as- BCG matrix classifies businesses as low and high, but generally businesses can be medium also. Thus, the true nature of business may not be reflected. Market is not clearly defined in this model. High market share does not always leads to high profits. There are high costs also involved with high market share. Growth rate and relative market share are not the only indicators of profitability. This model ignores and overlooks other indicators of profitability. At times, dogs may help other businesses in gaining competitive advantage. They can earn even more than cash cows sometimes. This four-celled approach is considered as to be too simplistic. BCG Matrix of Nestle According to Nestle, the relative market share and market growth rates of different products are given below:- Name Relative Market Share Market Growth Rate Cerelac 31.2% 45% Nestle Milk 21% 39% Kit Kat 19% 34% Maggi Noodles 18.76% 64% Nestle Dahi 3% 12% Market Growth Star Ceralec Nestle Milk Kit Kat Cash Cowcartoon_cows.gif Maggi Noddles DogNEWFOUNDLAND-DOG-LEO.jpg Nestle Dahi Relative Market Share Conclusions: Cerelac: Cerelac is one of the leading baby food products. It has witnesses quite a long hold on market share and it s a major contributor for Nestle. Nestle Milk and Kit Kat: Relative market share of Nestle milk and Kit Kat is low as compared with its growth thats why they are lying under head Question mark. Maggi Noodles: Growth rate of Maggi Noodles is low as compared with its Relative market share thats why they are lying under head Question mark. Nestle Dahi: Its both relative market share and growth rate are low as compared with other products thats why it is lying under head Dog.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A crowd of natives has just carried Francis Macomber triumphantly into camp. Macomber, a good-looking athletic type, has just blown it on a lion hunting adventure and now everyone knows he's a coward. Macomber's wife can't contain her resentment and humiliation about her husband's breakdown on the hunt. This is not a proud moment for the Macombers. Shmoop Editorial Team. â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber†Shmoop. com. Shmoop University, Inc. , 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Hemingway's Short Stories By Ernest Hemingway Summary and Analysis â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber††Hemingway's Short Stories: Summary and Analysis: â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber†Wiley Publishing, n. d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"FAST-US-1 Intro to American English Reference File. †FAST-US-1 Intro to American English Reference File. Charles Scribner's Sons, 7 May 2010. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. †Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Nov. 013. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Gaillard, Theodore L. â€Å"JSTOR. †The English Journal. Vol. 60. N. p. : National Council of Teachers of English, 1971. 31-35. The English Journal. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. I. Francis Macomber and his wife Margaret (usually referred to as â€Å"Margot†), are on a big-game safari in Africa, guided by professional hunter Robert Wilson. Earlier, Francis had panicked when a wounded lion charged him. Margot mocks Macomber for this act of cowardice, and it is implied that she sleeps with Wilson.The next day they hunt buffalo. When they find the buffalo, it charges Macomber. Francis, faced with a buffalo, suddenly becomes a man of courage, but his shots are too high. Wilson fires at the beast as well, but it keeps charging. Macomber kills the buffalo at the last second. At the same time, Margot had also fired a shot from the car, which instead hits Macomber in the skull and kills him. F or once, they are both on the same side, shooting at the same bull, but tragically she kills the man she was trying to save.In â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,†Hemingway uses his famously sparse prose style and villains with the moral make-up of animals to demonstrate the ironic truth that happiness is fleeting and had better not depend upon others. II. The narrator furnishes details, nothing more, but packs in those details is all the psychological nuance of a session with a psychoanalyst. In â€Å"The Short Happy Life,†a numerous basic actions can go a great distance. The sentences are certainly not fancy, but they reveal a ton about the characters.For example: â€Å"The mess boy had started them already, lifting the bottles out of the canvas cooling bags that sweated wet in the wind that blew through the trees that shaded the tents†(p. 1). Here, Hemingway speaks volumes in one sentence: the feeling in the air is apparent, he sets the visual scene, and he conveys ideas of class and environment. Readers know where they are, and what kind of people they are dealing with. Hemingway also lets the dialogue do a lot of the work. That way readers get to know the characters through what they say instead of having Hemingway tell them what to think.At the story's opening, for example, Margot says, â€Å"I'll have a gimlet too. I need something†(p. 1). This unadorned expression gives the reader their initial impression of Margot: She will drink because she needs something – but something for what? Something, readers soon find out, to dull the rage and disappointment over Macomber's failure and something as in â€Å"my husband gave me nothing, so give me something. †Lastly, this short sentence says â€Å"Macomber's wife,†not Margot, so readers know that this man's wife needs something, and she needs it because of him.That's a whole lot of meaning for eight short words. He omits things because he trust s the readers to be active, and to understand what he is saying indirectly. Hemingway packs a lot of unsaid things into the actual words on the page. III Animals: A technique that emerges as one of the most impressively effective is Hemingway’s use of animals, for behind the scenes of the five-act tragedy that constitutes â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber†stalks a troupe of inhuman supporting actors whose effect on the understanding of Hemingway’s story is crucial.Wether in the from of a charging lion or, more subtly, in Margot Macomber’s back-handed reference to those â€Å"big cowy things that jump like hares†(p. 9), Hemingway uses his animal menagerie as a standard against which to measure and evaluate his human actors. Francis Macomber’s safari turns out to be quite different from a romantic adventure out of Martin Johnson’s storybook; Macomber’s adversaries are a far cry from â€Å"Old Simba the lion, the b uffalo, Tembo the elephant†(p. 22) and the Natural History Museum that the columnist describes.Hemingway suggests here that Macomber has emerged from the fairytale world of high society into the real world of tooth and claw. It is in conjunction with the animals they themselves hunt that readers can best evaluate Robert Wilson, Francis Macomber, and his wife. Wilson emerges as â€Å"the professional. †He is self-confident and almost detached from the jungle world of his employers. From Margaret’s point of view he seems a killer, but his â€Å"flat, blue, machine gunner’s eyes†(p. 8) ironically seem to raise Wilson into a position of dominance over the brutal struggle for supremacy that he witnesses.Margot Macomber, on the other hand, is deeply enmeshed in this struggle. Her husband labels her â€Å"a bitch†(p. 22) after her return from Wilson’s tent and refers to her â€Å"bitchery†(p. 10) elsewhere in the story, but more s pecific than this implicitly negative criticism of Macomber is Hemingway’s explicit use of animals as a verbal weapon in the mouth of Margot. To Francis’ self-punishment Margot adds criticism of her own. When Francis passes her some cooked eland he shot, she scoffs at his offering with the comment: â€Å"They’re the big cowy things that jump like hares, aren’t they? (p. 9). Rubbing salt into his wounded ego, she facetiously asks, â€Å"They’re not dangerous, are they? †(p. 9). All Francis has been able to shoot by this point in the safari are relatively harmless animals, and he has proved himself a coward in the face of the only dangerous game he has encountered. Although Hemingway links Margot with no specific animal, she does materialize as the condensation of all the most dangerous qualities of female carnivores. To Robert Wilson she is a typical American woman, one of the â€Å"hardest in the world: the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory, nd the most attractive†(p. 8). Externally she is so â€Å"enameled in that American female cruelty†(p. 9) that she seems even more insensitive than Robert Wilson. While she is seen as cruel and predatory, her husband is compared with a rabbit and is at the end linked with the lion whose head is blown off by Wilson. Hemingway’s subtle identification of Macomber with the lion he is hunting serves a far more important purpose than symbolically to foreshadow his death at the hands of his wife.Indeed, it is through Macomber’s links with both the lion and the buffalo that readers become aware of his transition from emotional adolescence to manhood. Initially, the lion’s bravery and determination are used strictly as a contrast to Macomber’s rabbit-like trembling. In his struggle for survival the lion with half his head shot away kept â€Å"crawling on toward the crashing, blasting thing that had destroyed him†(p. 21). He stare d defiantly with â€Å"yellow eyes, narrowed with hate†(p. 19); similarly, â€Å"Francis Macomber found that, of all the many men that he had hated, he hated Robert Wilson the most†(p. 3). Momentarily facing the challenge posed by the lion, Macomber feels â€Å"sick at his stomach†(p. 16) and cannot control his shaking. â€Å"The fear was still there like a cold, slimy hollowin all the emptiness where once his confidence had been and it made him feel sick†(p. 11). The difference between Macomber and the lionis suggested by the nature of their respective wounds. Macomber’s psyvchological â€Å"wound†can be traced ultimately to his overall weakness and, more recently, to the effects of his â€Å"huntress†wife. But the lion’s wound is more a â€Å"red badge of courage†incurred in combat.Instead of fear, a . 30-06 220 grain solid bullet causes the â€Å"sudden hot scalding nausea†(p. 15) in the lion’s s tomach. In contrast, the nausea of fear experienced by Macomber is one of nothingness. The lion is broken down and fights his fate to the end, whereas Macomber has collasped internally, â€Å"gone to pieces nervously†(p. 8). Macomber bolts like a rabbit, where in the lion â€Å"all of him, pain, sickness, hatred and all of his remaining strength, was tightening into an absolute concentration for a rush†(p. 19) directly at his attackers.In death he becomes almost human. Macomber becomes, by his own admission, a rabbit. But Macomber changes. His metamorphosis from â€Å"rabbit†and â€Å"laddy-buck†occurs after the second crossing of the stream that separates the camp from the hunting ground. Just as we view the initial conflict through the lion’s stream-of-consciousness as he watched Macomber dismount from the car, so we now see Macomber observe â€Å"three huge, black animals looking almost cylindrical in their long heaviness, like big black ta nk cars†(p,27). The situation has been inverted.Where the lion saw the car and its passengers in animal terms, â€Å"bulking like some super-rhino†(p. 15), Macomber sees the animal in car terms. Hemingway’s inversion of style implies the conversion of Macomber to a lion-like figure and foreshadows his courageous birth into his all-too-short â€Å"happy life. †The hunter becomes the hunted; the man with newly achieved lion-like qualities falls prey to the predatory wife who has seen the change in her husband (p. 33) and herself has become white and ill with fear at what it portends.In Macomber’s death he is subtly linked with his own last victim, the buffalo: â€Å"Francis Macomber lay now, face down, not two yards from where the buffalo lay on his side.. †(p. 36). Linked with the buffalo both in the manner of death and by physical proximity, Macomber has, at last, achieved the transition from â€Å"rabbit†to lion, to bull, and to manhood. Hemingway’s subtle use of animals as an evaluative device has helped to turn what would have been a story of pitiableness into one that approaches tragedy.Hemingway is very careful with these details so that the reader can fully explore the extent to which Macomber has sunk. (margot dominant)In addition to Macomber’s embarrassed cowardice, he watches as Margot kisses Wilson on the mouth, calling him â€Å"the beautiful red-faced Mr. Wilson. †After Margot returns from sleeping with Wilson, readers learn about the reasoning for her marriage to Frances. She is too beautiful for Francis to divorce her, and Francis has too much money for her to ever leave him. When Macomber reminds Margot the there â€Å"wasn’t going to be any of that.You promised there wouldn’t be,†readers realize that this deceit has been going on for a long time. In years past Macomber has never been enough for his wife, but being here, on the safari, was supposed t o change all that. Yet Margo’s betrayal is so open and executed in such defiance that Macomber gets to know how very much his cowardice has changed everything. Margot will continue to press her advantage until the end, when she notices that Macomber is gaining courage and a strong sense of his own manhood.The shooting of the first buffalo marks the beginning of the tremendous change in Macomber. In all of his life, he has never felt so remarkable. On the other hand, Margot sits â€Å"very white faced. †She realizes that Macomber is changing, and she fears this change. She fears this change because she is losing psychological control over Macomber. She knows that if Macomber finally gains a sense of manhood, he will have the strength to leave her. She tries to taunt him, but he is oblivious to her existence. She now knows that his future does not include her.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Case Study: Translating Talent in Three Businesses Essay
1. How does Sol y Canto define its business? Identify the offer, the target market, and the product and delivery capability. Sol y Canto define its business by creating â€Å"music and performances that move, delight, excite and connectâ€â€connect that audience to the richness of Latin American culture; connect individuals, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, to each other through shared experience of music, poetry, humor and a joyful, playful vibe; and connect us all to our hopes and visions of a better world.†They have a wide target market ranging from preschoolers to senior adults in a wide variety of settings. Depending on the number of performers, the events can last anywhere between 45 minutes to two hours. They perform primarily in the US and Puerto Rico at concert halls/venues, school settings, and senior centers as part of their nonprofit’s mission to serve the community. Sol y Canto was founded as a result of an experience. In 1984 my husband and I met through a three-week cultural exchange tour to Nicaragua. We created our first band, Flor de Cana, out of that life changing event, committed to signing about the reality in Central America and opening the eyes of the North American people as to the role of our government in Nicaragua’s war in the mid-1980s. â€Å"Sol y Canto’s mission is to create music and performances that move, delight, excite and connect that audience to the richness of Latin American culture; connect individuals, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, to each other through shared experience of music, poetry, humor and a joyful, playful vibe; and connect us all to our hopes and visions of a better world.†Their target market has a wide range from young children to senior adults in a variety of setting. Their events can go for 45 minutes to two hours depending on the number of performers. They usually perform in the US and Puerto Rico concerts. Schools, senior care centers for their nonprofit. 2. Describe the culture of the Amadors’ business. Amadors’ culture is very simple. They are a small company of six that communicates regularly. They are all extremely close and have developed a strong sense of respect, consideration and open communication with one another. They hold weekly staff meetings to ensure that all issues are resolved quickly. 3. Which methods of deciding upon business opportunities did Rosi and brian Amador pursue? Rosi and Brian saw opportunity in their voice over business, so they began focusing on pursuing voice over work out of their home. They used their twin daughters to help with the voice-overs, as well as kept costs low by staying at home. This led them to succeed. 4. What competitive advantages does Amador Bilingual Voice-Overs have in the voice-over field? List them and indicate whether each is based upon quality, price, location, selection, service, or speed/turnaroundâ€â€or a combination of these. Amador Bilingual Voice-Overs have a competitive advantage because their pricing is competitive, their onsite facilities eliminate the cost of†¦
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Water Intoxication and Hyponatremia
Youve probably heard that its important to drink plenty of fluids or simply drink lots of water. There are excellent reasons for drinking water, but have you ever wondered if its possible to drink too much water. Heres what you need to know: Key Takeaways: Drinking Too Much Water It is possible to drink too much water. Overhydration leads to water intoxication and hyponatremia.The problem isnt really about the amount of water, but how ingesting too much water upsets the electrolyte balance in blood and tissues.Drinking too much water is uncommon. If you stop drinking water when you no longer feel thirst, there is no risk of water intoxication.Hyponatremia most often occurs when babies are given water instead of formula or formula that has been mixed with too much water. Can You Really Drink Too Much Water? In a word, yes. Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication and to a related problem resulting from the dilution of sodium in the body, hyponatremia. Water intoxication is most commonly seen in infants under six months of age and sometimes in athletes. A baby can get water intoxication as a result of drinking several bottles of water a day or from drinking infant formula that has been diluted too much. Athletes can also suffer from water intoxication. Athletes sweat heavily, losing both water and electrolytes. Water intoxication and hyponatremia result when a dehydrated person drinks too much water without the accompanying electrolytes. What Happens During Water Intoxication? When too much water enters the bodys cells, the tissues swell with the excess fluid. Your cells maintain a specific concentration gradient, so excess water outside the cells (the serum) draws sodium from within the cells out into the serum in an attempt to re-establish the necessary concentration. As more water accumulates, the serum sodium concentration drops  a condition known as hyponatremia. The other way cells try to regain the electrolyte balance is for water outside the cells to rush into the cells via osmosis. The movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from higher to lower concentration is called osmosis. Although electrolytes are more concentrated inside the cells than outside, the water outside the cells is more concentrated or less diluted, since it contains fewer electrolytes. Both electrolytes and water move across the cell membrane in an effort to balance concentration. Theoretically, cells could swell to the point of bursting. From the cells point of view, water intoxication produces the same effects as would result from drowning in fresh water. Electrolyte imbalance and tissue swelling can cause an irregular heartbeat, allow fluid to enter the lungs, and may cause fluttering eyelids. Swelling puts pressure on the brain and nerves, which can cause behaviors resembling alcohol intoxication. Swelling of brain tissues can cause seizures, coma and ultimately death unless water intake is restricted and a hypertonic saline (salt) solution is administered. If treatment is given before tissue swelling causes too much cellular damage, then a complete recovery can be expected within a few days. Its Not How Much You Drink, Its How Fast You Drink It! The kidneys of a healthy adult can process 15 liters of water a day! You are unlikely to suffer from water intoxication, even if you drink a lot of water, as long as you drink over time as opposed to imbibing an enormous volume at one time. As a general guideline, most adults need about three quarts of fluid each day. Much of that water comes from food, so 8-12 eight-ounce glasses a day is a commonly recommended intake. You may need more water if the weather is very warm or very dry, if you are exercising, or if you are taking certain medications. The bottom line is this: its possible to drink too much water, but unless you are running a marathon or are an infant, water intoxication is a very uncommon condition. Can You Drink Too Much If Youre Thirsty? No. If you stop drinking water when you stop feeling thirsty, you are not at risk for overdosing on water or developing hyponatremia. There is a slight delay between drinking enough water and not feeling thirsty anymore, so its possible to overhydrate yourself. If this happens, youll either vomit the extra water or else need to urinate. Even though you might drink a lot of water after being out in the sun or exercising, its generally fine to drink as much water as you want. The exceptions to this would be babies and athletes. Babies should not drink diluted formula or water. Athletes can avoid water intoxication by drinking water that contains electrolytes (e.g., sports drinks).
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